Trekking in Nepal: The School of Heart Knocks

May 2, 2009

The School of Heart Knocks

The School of Heart Knocks

it has been known for a long sometime
the school of hard knocks
keeps in line
karma, fate, what goes down
comes 'round on us

fear the God, God Creator
is the same, God is Lover?
all of the, all abover?
now the time is now
is fresher

thanks to one who doesn’t pressure
copy owns
right, this message

without him I would never
have invented the Heart Knocks lever
leverage to take the hard knocks same old
turn it on its ear


Heart is Knocking to be felt
beauty endless sacred wealth
every lifetime is
the School of Heart Knocking
ain't that cool?

not the sound of voices hanging
just the need of your heart longing
to be truly, truly filled
with within you
not with pills

with inside you is the love
now give conscious effort of
precious answer
Right not wrong
School of Heart Knocks
for Life's Song

Author By Jonny H. From California


Unknown said...

Dear Mr. Jonney
How a nice feelings that you have and your adventure might get this piont in nepalease heart.Really I amazing who is the God and Why we blame own destiny and fear in heart with the name of God.

So remarkable hints is there but even we fear with god its help ful for people to save with fearful condition .

Thanks for nice post to Ms. rasmin , we hope your blog become looking very wonderful hai.

Unknown said...

Dear Jonney.

Thanking you for connecting with the view of blue clour.

Your feelings are so admirable in this poem and your expriences becomes helpful us to think the name of GOD and possibilities.

Anyway we are looking forward to your more creation via this blog.

Thanks Ms. Rasmin ji for given opprtunity us to read a nice view.